

This is a list of books on gas turbines we've read and recommend. If you know a fantastic book and would like to add it to the list, you can contact us. You can borrow most of these books from the MIT Library.

1. Introductions

The following books provide an overview of gas turbines. They're a great start if you are new to the topic. No fluid or thermal dynamics knowledge is required. We strongly recommend that everyone read at least one of them.

  • Giampaolo, Tony. Gas turbine handbook: principles and practice. River Publishers, 2020.
  • Otis, Charles Edward, and Vosbury, Peter A.. Aircraft Gas Turbine Powerplant Textbook. United States, Aircraft Technical Book Company, 2018.

2. System-Level Design

The following books provide a more detailed and technical view of gas turbine system design. They won't go into the specifics of designing individual components, but they will use thermal and fluid dynamics to derive system-level equations. We recommend that each team member pick one and read the overview chapters and the chapters that are relevant to their sub-team.

  • Rogers, Gordon Frederick Crichton, et al. Gas turbine theory. Pearson Higher Ed, 2017.
  • El-Sayed, Ahmed F. Aircraft propulsion and gas turbine engines. CRC press, 2017.
  • Kerrebrock, Jack L. Aircraft engines and gas turbines. MIT press, 1992.
  • Ghoniem, Ahmed F. "Thermomechanical Conversion: Gas Turbine Cycle." Energy Conversion Engineering. Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 268-314.

3. Component-Level Design

The following books provide a very detailed view of one or more specific components. They tend to be a bit dry, so we recommend using them as reference books: read the specific chapters when you need them.

  • Casey, Michael, and Chris Robinson. Radial Flow Turbocompressors. Cambridge University Press, 2021.
  • Dixon, S. Larry, and Cesare Hall. Fluid mechanics and thermodynamics of turbomachinery. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2013.
  • Schobeiri, Meinhard T. Gas turbine design, components and system design integration: second revised and enhanced edition. Springer Nature, 2019.
  • Aungier, R. H. Turbine aerodynamics: axial-flow and radial-inflow turbine design and analysis. ASME, 2006.
  • Gambini, Marco, and Michela Vellini. Turbomachinery: fundamentals, selection and preliminary design. Springer Nature, 2020.
  • Walsh, Philip P., and Paul Fletcher. Gas turbine performance. John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
  • Lefebvre, Arthur H. (Arthur Henry), and Dilip R. Ballal. Gas Turbine Combustion : Alternative Fuels and Emissions. 3rd edition., Taylor & Francis, 2010.

4. Materials

Gas turbine performance is heavily restricted by materials. The following books cover different aspects of material science-related knowledge. They are entirely optional; there's no need to read them unless you need to or are interested in them.

  • Kaufman, John Gilbert, ed. Properties of aluminum alloys: tensile, creep, and fatigue data at high and low temperatures. ASM international, 1999.
  • Moon, D. P., et al. Report on the Elevated-Temperature Properties of Selected Superalloys. American Society for Testing and Materials, 1968.

If you are not familiar with materials, it's recommended to read

  • Ashby, Michael F., and David RH Jones. Engineering materials 1: an introduction to properties, applications and design. Vol. 1. Elsevier, 2012.

5. Case Study

The following books present gas turbine-related case studies. Read them if you are interested.

  • Dow, Andrew. Pegasus, the Heart of the Harrier: The History and Development of the World's First Operational Vertical Take-off and Landing Jet Engine. Pen and Sword, 2009.